PACE 2023 - Scoring Methods

Submissions will be ranked by the following methods. In both tracks, if the output of your program turns out to be not a valid contraction sequence, your program will be disqualified. Furthermore, your submission will be disqualified from the exact track if a non-optimal solution is output.

Exact Track

You will be ranked by the number of solved instances. In case of a tie, the winner is determined by the time required to process all instances the total time spent on the solved instances. In particular, there is no need to abort a “hopeless” run early.

Heuristic Track

You will be ranked by the geometric mean over all instances of 100 × (PC solution size) / (your solution size). Here, (your solution size) is the size of the solution returned by your submission and (PC solution size) is the size of the smallest solution known to the PC (which may not be optimal).

Technical Notes on

Note that the platform ranking differs here slightly due to technical reasons: On if the output of your program turns out to be invalid, it will use |V|. If your program does not return an output on SIGKILL for some instance, (solution size) for the instance will be considered as |V|.