PACE 2024 - Standings

Please find here the current standings (as of May 13th, 2024, 21:45 CEST).

Results of the Exact Track

Rank Team Score Time
1 guilhermefonseca 100 16323.44
2 Bob* 95 8116.11
3 Martin_J_Geiger* 95 18775.51
4 Tsch 92 23095.37
5 crossy 84 37159.51
6 Zygosity* 80 37310.1
7 weberknecht 67 64459.22
8 mjdv* 66 36876.76
9 gverger 51 86047.91
10 bin101 51 87656.17
11 axs* 47 284.62
12 mathcals 37 31946.03
13 asdf* 34 25340.57
14 xxmatexx5* 31 11.8
15 florian* 31 789.39
16 michele__* 30 0.01
17 emengdeath* 10 147872.13
18 check* 6 65745.02
19 sxlxc* 5 135367.79
20 summer* 0 153773.88
21 polka625 0 0
22 AdsT 0 0
23 winter 0 0
24 fanta 0 60987.7
25 pasa_2 0 64140.01
26 clip 0 88628.8

* Has submitted a wrong solution for at least one instance.

Results of the Heuristic Track

Rank Team Score Time
1 Martin_J_Geiger 100 19841.37
2 guilhermefonseca 100 13686.89
3 Arcee 100 19305.95
4 slimmer 100 26523.38
5 axs 99.98 1567.54
6 UAIC_Twin_Width 99.75 11149.66
7 DRIP 99.04 535.7
8 FEDRER 99.02 510.44
9 Bob 99 3634.84
10 tlopez 98.98 237.15
11 SPARC 98.98 557.92
12 asdf 97.52 2954.9
13 fanta 97.39 383.61
14 florian 97.15 2484.38
15 xxmatexx5 95.87 661.03
16 TP_UNIVIE 94.78 19397.43
17 corbec 94.55 25539.13
18 ericweidner 91.91 0.96
19 gmusya 91.74 3641.03
20 Macs 89.87 11.44
21 dabaez 0 0
22 bin101 0 0
23 polka625 0 0
24 summer 0 0
25 Earendil 0 0
26 Timres 0 0
27 fdsa 0 0
28 fsda 0 0
29 maxime51 0 0
30 KongQi 0 0.01
31 lysander051 0 4.67
32 clip 0 21615.65
33 winter 0 29648.17

Results of the Parameterized Track

Rank Team Score Time
1 guilhermefonseca 100 12536.58
2 Arcee 100 19348.46
3 Martin_J_Geiger 100 19623.62
4 Bob 99 3634.84
5 UAIC_Twin_Width 98.13 3637.67
6 axs 98.05 1161.05
7 asdf 97.52 2954.9
8 SPARC 96.44 25248.2
9 xxmatexx5 95.87 667.34
10 maxime51 93.45 3.97
11 ericweidner 91.91 0.96
12 gmusya 91.74 3641.03
13 Macs 89.87 11.44
14 fanta 89.83 8.26
15 dabaez 87.3 1.09
16 bin101 76.08 4258.83
17 polka625 19 23992.9
18 Earendil 0 0
19 Timres 0 0
20 fdsa 0 0
21 fsda 0 0
22 DRIP 0 14.7

* Has submitted a wrong solution for at least one instance.